Why Tivix Bend?

Bend is a growing hot spot for entrepreneurs and tech startups. With the most craft breweries per capita and a plethora of outdoor activities, Bend is a beer loving and outdoor enthusiasts’ dream. Along with the endless beer and fun outdoor activities, Bend is also known for it’s dog friendliness, which makes me (as a dog owner) very happy.
After moving to Bend in 2008, I worked for two startups, both of which have continued to grow into successful companies. In 2011 my husband and I moved back to Portland after the housing market crashed. My husband works in construction, which was the hardest hit industry, if that gives you more insight into why we had to move. We were gone for exactly 2 years and the entire time we were anxious to move back to Central Oregon.
Bend has everything you need, without the headaches that come along with a big city. We don’t have to worry about traffic, parking is accessible anywhere in town, and it’s only a three hour drive to Portland (if you really need a weekend in a big city). We also have a great community college (Central Oregon Community College) and both the University of Oregon and Oregon State University will be bringing MBA programs to the area by 2015. Currently OSU offers upper level classes to juniors and seniors, but will be expanding to a 4 year University in 2015.
Currently the Tivix office is small (there are only 2 of us), but we are looking to grow. We are actively looking for new hires, especially Front End Developers. If our company motto “Get Shit Done” resonates with you, then you would probably be a good fit. If you enjoy the outdoors, nice weather (although a bit cold during the winter), and a relaxed, fun place to live – then Bend, Oregon may be the place for you.
For further reading, check out Tivix in Bend, Oregon.