Smartphone OS Market Share

I wrote earlier this week about Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report. One of the most amazing statistics in the report is about how dramatically the mobile OS market share numbers have shifted (I've posted the relevent slide below).
In 2005 – just nine years ago – smartphones were dominated by Blackberry (from Canada) and Nokia (from Finland). US companies only had 5% of the mobile OS installs in the world.
Today, US companies control 97% of smartphone operating systems (Apple with iOS, Google with Android, Microsoft with Windows Phone).
From 5% to 97% of the world's market share in 9 years. That's pretty astonishing. The collapse of Blackberry and Nokia will be studied by business school students for a long time.
Meanwhile, those who worry that the US is losing its competitive edge in the world should find some solace in the fact that US companies today absolutely dominate the fastest-growing consumer product category in the history of the planet.