Recruitment process: applicants’ expectations vs employers’ expectations

At Tivix, we’re always looking to add a few great people to our team. Our company is growing, and it is a very interesting process to watch over time. From a few people, Tivix has expanded to robust teams working in five offices, located in San Francisco, Portland, NYC, London and Wrocław.
We don’t have any special protocol to follow when we invite people for interviews. There are a few rules we put into operation to make the application process fair and clear, but in general, behind each job offer there are just human beings who are looking for like-minded people who are skillful, fun, and eager to work.
The number of applications we get varies depending on regional office, which is a natural/geographical consequence in terms of the types of education people receive. There are for sure many great differences between higher education in the United States and Europe, or even in different countries inside Europe, for instance in Poland and UK, but there seems to be one linking factor for all of the places: it is a big challenge to successfully transition from education to employment.
Every student has some expectations about their future employment when choosing a field of studies. These expectations evolve and change with time and obtained knowledge, and eventually they are verified at a job interview. The employer also has a vision and expectations about a potential employee. The ideal solution for the market and everyone would be an intersection of these expectations together, but what’s the most effective way to make that happen?
There are already a few well-known solutions like job fairs, where there is a chance to talk with people who may give some advice on which things are worth focusing on to be more eligible for certain position, or programs for undergraduates that allow students to work as interns and start becoming familiar with the the jobs they hope to perform. There are also less official ways for people to find their future employment: everyone knows that chances rise when we are at the right place at the right time. I was extremely excited to find out recently that there are people who put their effort and professional experience into helping others find that “right place and right time” to create job opportunities.
Graduate Transitions is a venture designed to help employers and universities work together to enable the transition of graduates into the workplace. It is run by Gary Argent who has had the chance to observe the recruitment process from three perspectives: as a campus recruiter working for a large IT Services company, as Business Operations Manager for the industry’s trade association, and as Director of Careers for a London university. I had the great pleasure to meet Gary in 2013 in Serbia at the Feedback and Employability Workshops organized by City University of London. The aim of these workshops was to collect feedback from undergraduate and postgraduate students about whether studying abroad had any influence on their employability. Over a lunch break we had a chat about presentations we had given, and I also got a chance to ask a few questions that had bothered me for a long time regarding university choices and my future career. This short conversation was extremely valuable and had a big impact on my professional life.
I hope the idea of sharing knowledge to make study and work more joined up will continue spreading. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the Graduate Transitions program to prosper and help graduates choose the right path so Tivix (and other companies) can find a few more great people to add to our teams.