Announcing Hive

Without a doubt, the thing I love most about running Tivix is that I get to work with brilliant, energetic talent every day. Being surrounded by this team really is amazing.

As a team, we keep very busy building great products for our clients. But, of course, many of our employees also have product ideas of their own.

So in March we decided to have an internal “pitch contest” where Tivix team members were invited to pitch us on their own product development idea. Then we all voted, had a second round of pitches, and voted again.

The winner was Francis Cleary, with a product called Hive, designed to be a powerful new way to consume content. A voracious consumer of online content himself, Francis was passionate about serving the community of “infovores” — people with an insatiable appetite for reading online, especially about their favorite topics (flyfishing, sports, technology, pugs, knitting, anything!).

Francis wanted to build a reader that provided a distraction-free zone for people to focus on their content and to share it with others. There are several existing products out there (including Google Reader, which is being shut down on July 1), but Francis had an idea for a next-generation product that was more efficient and more social.

We were so impressed with Francis’ product vision that we decided to put the full weight of Tivix behind it. So, for the past 2+ months, Francis has had the opportunity to work full-time on his idea at Tivix while having the support of our entire team during the development process.

I’m excited to be able to say that he’s nearly done, and in the next couple weeks we’re going to be inviting a select group of users to try it out. Want to be one of them? Visit the new Hive landing page, and submit your request to be one of the first users!

As Francis likes to say, Hive is going to be “the best place to read the internet on the internet.”

Announcing Hive

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